Catholic Life and Mission of the School
Catholic Life and Mission of the School
Success for all within a Christ-Centred Community
"St. Monica's Catholic Primary School is an outstanding school in providing Catholic Education."
"Pupils are ambassadors of the schools Mission Statement, Success for all within a Christ-Centred Community."
Archdiocese of Liverpool Inspection Report 2016
"St Monica's is an inclusive happy, safe and welcoming school. The whole school community lives and works by its mission. Children are ambassadors of their mission."
Archdiocese of Liverpool Monitoring Report November 2019
Here at St. Monica's Catholic Primary School we are dedicated to Catholic Social teaching: respecting the dignity of every human person, working hard for the common good and well-being of all, knowing that we have duties and responsibilities to one another, our families and wider community, looking after the poor and vulnerable, loving our neighbours across the world, being peacemakers and caring for God's creation. Following these important teachings we strive to promote and support the Catholic Life of our school constantly looking for ways to make our community and world a better place to be. We support our children with spiritual, cultural and moral guidance throughout their time in our school in order to help them grow their values, motivation, aspirations and moral imperatives that inform their choices and actions as people.
Here you will find all the ways in which our children and staff contribute to and benefit from the Catholic life at St. Monica's Catholic Primary School. We have a clear vision for Catholic Education, this is shared by our entire school community and embedded in our Mission Statement.
As a Catholic School, we devote 10% of curriculum time to the teaching of Religious Education; this is separate from times of prayer and collective worship, liturgies and class prayer, which happen in addition to the taught curriculum.
Coverage of RE taught across the curriculum: at least 10% of curriculum time across the school.
St. Monica's Catholic Church
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