On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to St. Monica's Catholic Primary School website.
I am proud to be Headteacher of a school where our pupils are at the heart of all we do, where every child is valued and we strive to help each pupil live out our mission: "Success for All in a Chirst-Centred Community". We work tirelessly so each pupil has the highest expectations of themselves, and staff work tirelessly to help pupil reach and exceed their potential.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all to share this commitment. All who work in our school have a responsibility to make sure that everyone is safe.
We are a family school with a strong Catholic ethos. We strive to build an environment in which Catholic values and virtues guide all the children, giving a secure foundation to prepare then to become successful throughout life, both academically and as socially.
We offer our children the opportunity to grow as young people and encourage them to develop a closer relationship with God, in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect.
We are blessed to have such a talented and dedicated staff who provide an outstanding quality of care and work hard to provide a broad and exciting curriculum - where challenge and support is provided regardless of need or ability. Through recognising, valuing and encouraging the varied talents of each individual as made in the image and likeness of God, we help children to see themselves as achievers, raising their self-esteem and confidence.
Our working partnership with parents is important to us and we encourage parents to support their children with reading and homework. We continually look at ways to further develop this partnership. We listen and where possible, provide support and activities in response to needs.
The Friends of St Monica's organise fundraising through our school lottery and social activities, such as our Summer Fayre. The hard work and dedication raises money that helps to further enrich provision for all children. Parents are kept up to date via our weekly newsletters, letters, texts and Tweets. We enjoy celebrating our successes but are also prepared to address areas for development.
If you would like to visit myself or take a tour of school, do not hesitate to contact us - everybody is welcome at St. Monica's.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. James Gouldbourne