Year Five
Year 5 Geography Field Trip Brockhole Centre, Cumbria, 22.5.24
As part of Year Five’s Geography topic on The Lake District, they had the opportunity on a very wet Wednesday in May, to visit The Brockhole Centre.
The Brockhole Centre is based on the shores of Lake Windermere. It provided the backdrop for children to experience the truly magnificent scenery of this area of outstanding natural beauty.
The children were inspired by the beautiful surroundings to become inner explorers in this outdoor world . They developed skills of orienteering, map reading, mountain safety and teamwork.
The children had the opportunity to create their own maps using natural materials.
They used their geographical skills to draw their own labelled field sketches of the Langdale Fells and Lake Windermere.
As it was such a wet day, as you would expect from a day in The Lakes! The Lake District Story Exhibition provided a great venue for the children to discover the history, landscape and culture of the area. Although the children had been studying The Lake District, they realised that there is always something unusual that pops up about The Lakes.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff involved in organising and attending the trip including the staff at The Brockhole Centre.We would also like to thank the School Lottery Fund which helped to subsidise the cost.
Despite the great British weather, we really enjoyed the day and plan on a return trip next year.

Well done to Year 5 who made their First Holy Communion today. What a lovely day they have had.

Year 5 have had a fantastic time at the Catalyst Museum - we enjoyed finding out lots of facts to support our Science and English work. Well done, Year 5 for a lovely time away!

Year 5 have had a fun filled few days designing, making and evaluating their creations. Every child learned to thread a sewing machine, use a pattern and sew their chosen material to make a cushion. What a comfortable evening we are going to have!

5F took part in The Big Build STEM activities. We used our knowledge of science, technology, engineering and maths to work as a team. We love our go-karts.

Year 5 have been exploring the work of Claude Monet and how he was the founder of the Impressionist movement.
We experimented with using oil pastels, soft pastels and watercolours to create our own artwork in the style of Monet.

A good time was had by all at our Christmas party! Happy Christmas, everyone!

Year 5 explored the theme of 2.5/3 craft and perspective using Helen Musselwhite as an inspiration. We designed, made prototypes, created and celebrated our work.

Year 5 attended The Grinch Experience at Kingsley & Co. We listened to stories, read a range of text and had fun with the book characters. It was the most amazing time and something to get us in the Christmas mood.

Year 5 made bread as part of our design and technology project. We designed, made, tasted and evaluated our wonderful bread rolls. We thought about the design and function of our project.

Some of our Year 5 children attended a wellbeing sports event. It was a time for fun, laughter, resilience and believing in ourselves.