25/11/24 - Diwali
11/11/24 - Autumn and Nursery Rhyme Challenge
21/10/24 - The Gingerbread Man
07/10/24 - Homes
Last week, Reception explored homes within our 'All About Me' topic. We shared pictures of our homes and compared them to different homes around the world. In our Continuous Provision, we used different materials to build our own homes and even tried to paint / draw them! In Maths we explored sorting and comparing amounts, we sorted natural loose parts into different sets such as 'prickly and not prickly' O.L, and 'big and small' K.O
23/09/23 - All About Me
Reception have been busy exploring their new topic: 'All About Me'. So far, we have had lots of fun exploring ourselves and comparing our features, we created our own self portraits using mirrors to get a closer look and see what colours we would need for our eyes and hair! We have had conversations about our differences and how these make us special.
During our 'special time' with our key carers, we have been talking about and sharing photos of our families - we loved talking about who is special to us and why we love them.
In Maths we have begun to look at matching and sorting and using our new keywords: match, same, different and odd one out. During Continuous Provision, we have been exploring the areas more and making lots of friends. We have been brilliant at getting to know the rules and routines of our school day!
09/09/24 - Settling into our Reception year!