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St Monica's Catholic

Primary School

Success for All within a Christ Centred Community

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Success for All within a Christ Centred Community

Parent Coffee Mornings

Reception Coffee Morning

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All parents are welcome to come for a Friday morning coffee. There will be a short presentation (20 minutes). These include ways to really help support your child's learning at school, parenting advice and support and information about a wide range of things from safety to spellings and maths to mindfulness and more!


Friday mornings are always fun and very informal. There is lots of time to ask questions, share experiences and find out what is happening in school.


Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Carers, Aunties, Uncles and friends of the family are ALL welcome


Why come in for a coffee morning?


  • meet other parents
  • chat to your friends
  • celebrate that it is Friday
  • learn something new
  • feel involved in school life and up to date with what's going on
  • have some time just for you and feel great!




Reception - New to Phonics 23rd February 9 -10


Mrs Evans will give a presentation on our Reception and an update on how we are delivering phonics in Reception, and will be able to answer any questions you have about Reception life in St Monica's.


This will be followed by coffees for parents, who can then get to know one another and have chat. 






March 25 - Phonics Screening Check

Reception Coffee Morning - Presentation
